Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Raw Chicken Freaks Me Out and I Love Santa Clause. So What?

Holy Bongos Batman!! 

^miniature dictator
Did I ever fail at sticking to my plan of blogging weekly. And not that I have a huge following, or any sort of following at all; but if I did, I would like to send out my deepest apologies for not keeping my promise. I have no idea where the time went but I guess when we finally get the miniature dictator of the house to bed, more formally known as Ali; I'd rather contemplate how long that mysterious booger has been on my sleeve and why there is lego in the toilet. So seeing as the weekly posting appeared to be a little too challenging, I shall strive to post bi-weekly. Or maybe more… Just depends on the snot to shirt ratio I suppose.

Anyways, as promised I will now give you some insight into the nightmare known as raw chicken.

FYI- I am very aware how over the top my antics are and have acknowledged and fully admit to having a problem.

As I was cooking our dinner throughout the weeks the thought crossed my mind of, "You should totally snap some pictures of the sheer havoc that is happening."
Uhhhhm… HELL NO.
Reason one, salmonella.
Reason two, salmonella.
Reason three, salmonella.
Lets just say I'm a little anal about having all electronic devices in a completley different room while handeling the cold, floppy, flesh coloured lumps of nastiness. Cross contamination is NOT an option in this little house on the prairie. So then someone might ask,

"Why Janine, how do you cook such delicious chicken so often if you are so bothered by it?"

Well let me tell you. 

I drove myself to our local Walmart and bought some latex gloves, a HUGE box of latex gloves. (Of which I am actually almost completely out of.) Before I discovered latex gloves, I would probably wash my hands thirteen times while cooking. However, since this discovery I am proud to announce that I only wash my hands about eleven times now. 

It is important that you don't just put on one pair of gloves and call it a day. 
No, no, no, no.
Anytime you need to touch something else, you must remove the gloves, wash your hands and put on a new pair. If you are feeling as though you want to take the glove use to the next level, you can layer your gloves. This gives you the option to peel off a layer and already have the next ones ready to go.
Genius, I know.
This not only makes for a cleaner, less contaminated work space it also prevents dry, cracking skin on ones smooth delicate hands. While wearing the gloves you also avoid skin to skin contact with the unforgiving texture known as cold dead chicken. 
And to all you people who handle raw chicken like your partaking in the hand-jive or something, good for you. Not this girl, it will never be this girl and that is fine by me. I will forever appear grimaced and as though I am dissecting a cow eyeball while cooking dinner. For all you Saskatchewan people when I say dinner I mean supper, not lunch. It's called 'brunch' for a reason, not 'brinner'.

Spot the Janine!
Only twenty days, two hours and forty-seven minutes until the most magical day of the year. And for all of you scrooges out there, *cough cough Derek cough cough* let me inform you that you are voluntarily missing out on all the warm fuzziness that come along with embracing the holiday season. I don't feel as though I need to explain myself. There is a reason a whole SEASON is dedicated to this one special day. It's marvellous, filled with joy, very important in a biblical sense and exuberates love. Thats it, thats all.

Now, in a few days I am parting ways with all four of my wisdom teeth. This could be great material for a blog entry or the complete opposite. Time will tell, and so will the size and swelling of my face.

Later gators.