Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Chia Pets Do What & The Tooth Fairy Makes How Much?

First of all I would like to say how surprised I am that people are actually reading this blog. I honestly thought it would be my Mom reading it telling me how darling I was, because as a Mom it's naturally your job to make your kids feel way cooler then they ever actually will be. But apparently this blog has been viewed 441 times.... I'm sorry to all those people who will not be getting those four minutes of their life back.

Okay, shall we move on? 
...Yeah, I thought so.

Let's start by covering the key events that have occurred over the past few days.

1. I died my hair brown, and still don't know why.
2. Ali got a tooth.
3. I put up our Christmas tree, and also still don't know why.
4. Discovered chia seeds don't grow chia pets in your stomach.
5. Have yet to start studying for my mid-term in two days.
        -Once again, not sure why.

Exciting list hey? You can tell me how jealous you are of my super exciting life whenever you want. The fact that I spent hours hand writing addresses on sixty-seven envelopes today is a fine example of what excitement truly means.

1. So about that brown hair thing. I wouldn't say that its
due to a mid, mid life crisis.. or at least I hope not. It's really a reflection of how lazy I am when it comes to hair. Less bleach = less work. And according to my friend Jenny, I no longer look like your typical young Mom; I look like a young Mom who is ready to get down to business. Now someone just needs to provide me with some business to get down on. 

2. I stuck my finger in Ali's mouth and found a tooth. Then Derek and I discussed how the going rate of the tooth fairy must be something ridiculous like $5.00 these days. Kids just don't know how good they have it. My kids are going to get a letter telling them they will not receive their payment until their room has been cleaned. Signed by the tooth fairy of course.

3. We were bored on Sunday so we made the trek to Walmart, and Derek let me get a Christmas tree!!
I think he thought it was going in the basement for at least another month but somehow it wound up out of the box, set up and decorated in our living room. I say stores shouldn't sell Christmas stuff before December because its really just an open invitations for all the crazies (like me) to get an unnecessarily early start at decorating.

4. So I started eating chia seeds this week after hearing how
good they are for your digestive system and I couldn't help but to have this awful image of a friendly chia pet growing in my stomach. But to my surprise no such non-sense occurred. In fact, they do the complete opposite, they remove all the chia pet-like fuzzies from you intestinal track. Gross, but kind of cool.

5. Instead, I wrote this, thought far too long and hard about chia seeds and stared at a fake tree covered in pretty lights for hours. Procrastination really is an amazingly cruel thing. Now the next two days is going to be filled with a cranky teething six month old, an abundance of studying, a spray tan, taking Ali to get her six month shots and trying to prepare to go to Vegas in three days. 

I honestly just realized all that I am having to do over the next few days. So on that note, I'm going to go study. Wish me luck.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Bowling + Birthing = Egg Salad

I often think about how I was meant to live in a different era. One with less technology, awful hair and radical movements. All and all I think the 1960's would be my time to shine. However, seeing as I was born in 1989, and time travel does not yet exist, my dreams of paying 57 cents for a dozen eggs, crushing on a once attractive Beatle and styling my hair like a beehive will never be a reality.
But since I had a baby out of wedlock, just months after going steady with a boy I am forever grateful it is in fact 2013.

I wrote previously about how I went bowling one Saturday night in March of 2012 and then a year later I was eight months pregnant. So if we do the math properly, I met Derek that night bowling and had a baby 13 months later. 

Carry the one.. 
subtract 3.. 
multiply by 8...
That means I got knocked up around four months after we met. Might I add that we also broke up for a month in there somewhere. Needless to say, everything moved quickly for us. And to sum things up, thank goodness we actually like each other. Heck, we even looooove each other. Lets just say most people don't spend their one year anniversaries in a prenatal class.

Then came April 28th, the morning my water broke and the day I thought we were going to meet our baby. Little did I know that the birthing Gods had a different plan in store for me. I ended up being in labour for 30 hours all to have an emergency c-section. So on April 29, 2013 and 2:29 p.m. we welcomed our baby girl Ali into the world.

I would like to say when I first laid eyes on her it was the most magical moment of my life. But the fact of the 
matter is that I was so incredibly doped up and freshly 'coming to' after general antithetic that I can barely remember those first moments. Further more, in all of the pictures of me first meeting Ali I look as though I went to hell and back about twenty-seven times; which I quite possibly did. But boy did things change. As soon as I knew my left from right again and came to the realisation that I was in fact no longer pregnant I fell deeply in love with Ali, and more in love with Derek. I was bed ridden the first week or so due to surgery and a few other complications and the man who vowed to never change a diaper was changing all of them! (I honestly didn't change her diaper until she was a week old.)

Blah, blah, blah.. Some time passed and Ali is now six months old! I've totally become that uncool Mom I vowed never to be. I no longer do my hair, rarely wear makeup and wear stretchy pants far too often. I'm still working on losing that baby weight, but I'm told that will come off with time. And my idea of a fun Friday night is making egg salad and going to bed by 9:30. I call myself a party animal but I'm thinking most people call me boring, and I'm more then okay with that. Although I don't have a lavish life in some penthouse in the city, I do have a comfortable life filled with love in a little house on the prairie. And if you ask me, life couldn't be any better.